23 September

All Shined Up: Maria’s Jacket

by Jon Katz
All Shined Up – Maria’s Leather Jacket

I spent a couple of hours cleaning and polishing Maria’s leather jacket, it was languishing in a dark closet for five or six years (I bought it for her at a Thrift Shop in Bellows Falls, Vt.) and it was covered in dust and some mold.

I cleaned the mold off first and then applied a good dose of saddle soap to the jacket after it had tried. It looks shiny and new and healthy again. Maria loves it and so do I, she just forgot about it and the closet is a black hole, musty and forgotten.

Maria cleaned it all out today, some clothes needed some sunlight.

The upside is that it inspired me to buy a $46 leather Bomber jacket from a seller in London for $46 on Etsy. I always loved the leather jackets that I had, and this one looks right for me. It was by far the cheapest vintage leather jacket on the page, which made me a bit nervous about buying it, but I have always loved the leather jackets I owned.

Maria and I will be sureĀ  not to wear both of our jackets out together, that could be a bit much. I confess I was also worried about wearing a leather jacket at my age, 71. A motorcycle leather jacket would look silly on me. But I think this one is quite appropriate. I hope it’s as good as it looks on the site.


  1. John, I wouldn’t worry whether or not wearing a leather jacket looked silly to others. One wears it because one wants, likes, or enjoys to. I’m about your age and have given up worrying about what others think about how I look. I wear what I like, crazy colored socks and all.

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