The Mansion work depends heavily on the Army Of Good. In recent weeks, I’ve applied some of my own money to give the residents some of the small things they urgently need, and our fund is now down to $600, which won’t last too long.
I want to stay small but not too small.
Small donations are as welcome as large ones, you can send your contributions to Jon Katz, c/o. P.O Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816 or via Paypal, [email protected]. Please mark the donations to “The Mansion.”
I like to keep the fund between $1,500 and $2,000 any support will be appreciated.
This summer, we have done a lot. In addition to supporting the Mansion Wish List and sending streams of letters, we’ve bought clothes for people who needed them, one or two air conditioners and fans, books and a camera for Tim, whose leg was amputated, we send hundreds of CD’s for the residents to watch, funded a wonderful boat ride, four or five outings into down, and various art and other supplies.
The Amazon Mansion Wish List program has been a stunning success, we’ve bought everything on the lists more than 20 times. Thank you, the Army Of Good is…well, good.
The Mansion is a Medicaid facility, nobody has much money and they are living on the edge of life. We have made a stunning difference in their lives.
We have purchased a fireplace insert that glows and crackles, a new wheelchair scale that is easy to use, a CD player and CD’s for Joan, sweat pants and underpants, shirts and jackets, shoes and bras, and several musical afternoons.
Now, the blog is supporting the Mansion’s “map” project in which members of the AOG send short descriptions and/or photos of the towns they live in to [email protected] to put up on a big map of the U.S. The residents are very excited about this map.
If you prefer, you can mail your comments on your town to Julia, The Mansion 11 S.Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.
The blog readership is all over the country, it should be a great map.
Tonight is Bingo night at the Mansion, Maria and I also call the games each week and scour the area for good prizes. Your help is essential and appreciated, and thanks. Please remember that $5 and $10 and $20 are very welcome contributions, as are larger ones.
It all adds up. Donations go to Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or via Paypal, [email protected]. Please mark the contributions to “The Mansion.” Thanks.