I felt low-hearted today, pulled down by the other hurricane, the deluge of angry and joyless and painful news, and the epidemic of angry and disconnected people in the world.
I decided this morning to claim the light, with my color camera, and then with my monochrome, which I’ve neglected for a couple of moths. I’m like that, I plunge into one passion, then another. We I claim the light, I find myself becoming more radiant, inside and out.
I decline to let them pull me down, to make me as low-hearted as they are. It is not always easy to claim the light, especially during times of crisis or difficulty or stress. But when I find myself complaining, or nursing wounds or slights, or brooding about some rejection or cruelty, I keep my disciplines close to the heart, and I can step over my own shadows and into the light of my truth.
The task is to claim what is bright and beautiful, and there is always something that is bright and beautiful, and that is the choice, To find what is bright and beautiful or to stay in the shadows.
I can claim the light. I foundĀ it in this jar filled with flowers, and then again with my monochrome black and white camera out in the meadow with the dogs. I’ll share some of the photos.