It takes a very special kind of person to work in a place like the Mansion.
They don’t earn much money, the hours are long and often grueling, they perform all kinds of intimate tasks most people aren’t even aware of, and they are brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers to the people they care for, many of whom go many months without seeing anyone from the outside world.
These people – the residents and the staff – come to mean the world to one another. This is a lifetime calling, and for special people. I saw that love all day this afternoon. Here, Ruth and Bonnie hug out on the deck, “I loveĀ you!” Ruth announced.
“I love you too,” said Bonnie. You can write Ruth if you’d like, she’d love to hear from you. Her husband Ken is sick. You can write her care of Ruth, The Mansion, 11 S. Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.
You can write Bonnie too, at the same address, and let her know she is appreciated, even by people far away.