The residents don’t know it, but every time one of them decides to take a walk, a staffer follows at a discreet distance, to give them privacy but also to make sure they are safe. Madeline went off for a walk, and a couple of minutes later, Julie yelled, “Jon get your camera, Madeline has picked up a bunch of handsome young men.”
She was in the middle of a circle of waiters and stewards from the boat.
And it was true. Madeline had found a group of men to charm.
Well into her 90’s, was born in an orphanage in the Bronx, and she has not lost her New York accent or daring. When I got there, she was surrounded by five or six young men, all of whom were laughing at her stories, they loved talking to her.
“What are you doing?,” I said feigning outrage. She laughed. “Oh, just taking a walk,” she said innocently.”What kind of trouble could I get into?,” she asked, “I’m as old as God.”
She hasn’t lost her moxie, has she?