I’m excited to get Bud, another small dog, and a Boston Terrier, but whenever I look at Red and take his photo, I’m reminded of just how much I love border collies. They say you have to be crazy to love a border collie, because almost all of them are crazy.
This is true, but Red is the first border I have had who is profoundly sane. He is solid as a rock, good in therapy work, good with sheep. He is always by my side, even when I write. I love the intensity of the breed, their intelligence and enthusiasm.
Fate has more fun not chasing sheep than most dogs have doing just about anything. And the Boston Terriers are a good counterbalance to them. Can’t wait for Bud to come her and join the pack, but Red is a joy to behold, every day.
All he wants is to be with me, work with me.
Dang, I must be a raving lunatic as I have 4 border collies and don’t live on a ranch or farm just a regular house with a fenced yard in a regular neighborhood. I may be biased but I don’t think you can find a better companion than a border collie.
I agree Mike, you can’t do better, but you might well be a lunatic, although a lucky one..four border collies in a fenced in yard? Good for you…
A pensive portrait of Red among the flowers. From what I’ve read, he’s smarter than a whole lot of people in so many ways. You an Red have been very deserving of each other.
Red is quite remarkable, I can’t say I deserve him, but I am sure grateful for him..
Raised and trained them many years ago then had a male who passed away at 14 was my buddy. I’m 75 and a farmer cattle and veggies wasn’t sure if I could handle a young dog but my wife (a true farmers wife)had a void in her life and we’re both lunatics and we have a Border/Heeler a rescue puppy who has been DNAed more BC I think as she acts like one and is a sweetheart.
Jack is my first border collie and we live on a small “farm”. Alas, we have no sheep, so he herds the barn cats into the barn. I guess he must figure that’s where they belong. He also gives my quarter horse “the eye” but Gus (my horse) pays him no mind. He’s not a crazy bc and is afraid of strangers, but he’s my “puppy face”.
Three months ago I lost my precious 13 year old bc. She was “the perfect companion” knew me better than I knew myself. I was devastated. Found a 7 year old bc in a local shelter. She is crazy, fun,high energy…
I have a Scotch Collie (a cross between rough Collie [ie: Lassie ] and a smooth Collie (Lassie with less hair). He is smart,
companiable, and, of course, beautiful. He rounds up the other dogs in the dog park. But I am a bit envious of border collie owners whose dogs are said to be the smartest dogs there are.
I too have a 14 year old r/w Border Collie named Gypsy Rose Lee. Didn’t like my first name for her, T’Ami Rose. My former b/w BC, Tess Siobhan-she didn’t like the name T’Ami either-taught Gypsy all she knew about me in the 4 years they were together before Tess died at 16. Tess taught her to wake me up-even at am-and herd me to the bathroom. She also taught the puppy how to tell me if my sugar was too high or low. Gypsy has a right blue eye and a left brown eye and 1/2 pricked ears. She and my Tess are and were very pretty girls. Gem, Tess,JackBNimble, Gypsy,and Little Bo Peep (Jack’s girlfriend-they have a son together named Ajax), Gypsy’s BFF and cousin. Now, I only have Gypsy who herds me around my basement apt.and has a fenced-in yard.
Hmmm, I always think it’s odd that humans often describe other highly intelligent species as “crazy.’ Reminds me of parents who have poor parenting skills and blame the child. Border Collies are the finest, most dependable, and most brilliant dogs on the planet. I grew up with them. Because of their intelligence, drive and energy they need an owner that can properly instruct them. If denied this- just like with children- they act out.
Hmmm, I always think it’s odd that humans often describe other highly intelligent species as “crazy.’ Reminds me of parents who have poor parenting skills and blame the child. Border Collies are the finest, most dependable, and most brilliant dogs on the planet. I grew up with them. Because of their intelligence, drive and energy they need an owner that can properly instruct them. If denied this- just like with children- they act out.
I love Border Collies I lost my sweet boy almost 3 years ago and he was almost 17 years old and he was a true blessing to me. They have a personality of their own, they’re smart, loyal, and have unconditional love. I miss him every day.
My Australian shepherd, Lilly a little crazy, but she loves me and I love her.
I am enjoying my first McNab border collie, Panda, she was a rescue of sorts, ignored and left alone in a backyard, two things these babies hate. I absolutely adore my girl. She is there with me in my dark days of bipolarism, and my good days are hers in the backyard playing frisbee, which she is a fanatic about and she knows 26 tricks, and is always eager to please. I am blessed that she came into my life when we both needed love.
I have had borders for over 25 years, love them! Really excited that you are getting another Boston!