Ray Telford dig a wonderful job rebuilding our barn and saving it from our donkeys, who were eating through a wall to get to the hay. Ray works long and hard and takes great pride in his work. He is also very nice.
His next project will be helping to straighten out the Pole Barn wall and replacing that ugly siding with some wood and a farm window. He will also help us rebuild the wooden gates to the Pole Barn, which the donkeys and the sheep have also eaten (they were not supposed to eat hemlock, but they did.)
Below, Ray’s new wall, complete with high strength chicken wire donkeys and sheep can’t eat through.

Ray says he caught a big fish last week, the biggest in years. It’s so big he’s having it mounted. We like having Ray around, we are happy he has joint the world of Bedlam Farm, we need him. He has figured out there is absolutely no point in talking to me about mechanical things, he talks to Maria.
Can the donkeys and sheep get their noses and teeth between the wires spaces would sheet metal have been better?
Nope, it’s fine, we’re not that stupid..