Ali and I are fast friends and brothers, something of a miracle for a Jew from Providence and a Muslim from the Sudan, we have joined together in the celebration of doing good, and in the selfishness of feeling good while so many feel bad.
We have been working together for well over a year helping the soccer team and refugees and immigrants without a bump or tense moment or argument.
We are almost frighteningly in sync. We do love one another.
This week we have our first fight, it lasted for about four hours, consisted of a few tense and loud phone calls, and was resolved at first light this morning.
Mostly, it was about nothing, which is true of 99 per cent of the fights I have had in my life.
A couple of weeks ago, I raised some money from the Army Of Good so that the soccer team players going to high school could get some new clothes. As always, I insisted that I be there to photograph them, as that is something I promise the people who send me money – I always want them to see who is getting the money they send, every refugee, every Mansion resident.
This work is built on trust and faith, I don’t wish to ever betray it.
It was a very intense week for me, I had to raise more than $6,000 for Sakler Moo’s tuition to the Albany Academy, and another $2,000 for the soccer team van’s new brakes in just a few days. I (we) also had to spend $1,700 for a new porch roof, and send off nearly $8,000 in quarterly state, local and federal taxes.
I have been saving for the taxes,and the Army of Good came through for Sakler, so I got through the week, but I can’t say my nerves were not rattled. I also agree to pay $6,000 a year for Sakler’s tuition for the next three years, so I better start saving now.
I was, to say the least, on edge. I felt alone with all of this fund-raising, I keep Ali a way from it, so he can focus on the kids and the refugees, sometimes it does feel lonely and sometimes I feel as if I am hanging out of a skyscraper window.
Suddenly, the soccer kids decided at the last minute that they didn’t wish to be photographed, they didn’t wish to be seen as the stereotypical “poor refugee kids,” they said (very politely) that they would get the clothes some other way, they knew I felt strongly about photographs.
This was perhaps the last straw in a grinding week. I was upset. I knew their parents didn’t have that kind of money, it bothered me that they wouldn’t get the new clothes they needed.
They know I always take photos, why are they balking this week?
Should I return the money? Make an exception?
When I thought about it, I told myself to get over it.
It wasn’t the kids fault, their concern was quite legitimate. I know what it is like to be ridiculed and stereotyped in school. They were being wise.
Ali was, as always, eager not to upset me or disappointment me. He had a big streak of Mother in him, and he always wants everyone to be happy, especially me.
Ali was baffled by my edginess, and shocked. Maybe hurt.
I could hear him crashing on the phone, he just deflated, he couldn’t figure out how to deal with it. I kept asking him sharply what was wrong, he sounded unlike himself, but he kept insisting he was fine, and this annoyed me further. He didn’t want to fight. I think this made me angrier.
So we got into one of those he-said, she-said things that was upsetting and strange for both of us. Tell me the truth, I said, if something is bothering you, or if I am bothering you, you need to tell me so we can sort it out.
I don’t want to have to guess what you are thinking, I said, always ready to slug it out.
I realized – my shrink once told me that I am an empath – that he was puzzled and frustrated by my anger, but he couldn’t say so. Our work and relationship are important to both of us, it did not feel right to feel estranged, even for a few hours.
it’s not an equal battle if one side is ready to fight and the other side doesn’t fight. It was on me to patch it up. He is such a good, sweet man. I am not as good or sweet. I know I sometimes intimidate people.
This morning, I called him up first thing and said we should meet at our office, I gave him a check for $600, somewhat less than the kids really need, but just about all that is left and more than I usually give without showing people a photo.
My poor refugee fund is a bit battered, donations are tip-toeing in. We will be fine.
Let’s forget the photos, I said, just bring me a receipt.
My people will understand if I don’t take photos, and I understand, the kids are perfectly right. They have always co-operated with my need for photos, and if they didn’t want to this time, they had to have a good reason.
Transparency is a big thing for me, a reason we remain active and successful. But any rigid rule is a bad one. I believe in change.
School starts Friday, so we had to move forward, let’s not waste any more time quibbling, I told Ali.
We had nothing really to fight about, we were doing great work together, there will be bumps.
The mark of a good friendship I said, is the same as the mark of a good marriage. The question is not how you can avoid all conflict, but how you can learn to resolve conflict together.
In a sense, I said, we are married in this work and in our friendship. So let’s work it out.
I was a bit frightened. I spent a lot of money last week, and it is upsetting to me to do that. I don’t want to make a habit out of it. It scares me, I know what it’s like to run out of money. I know this work is stressful, and much rides on it. I have to be aware of that.
I was irritated, I suppose, but mostly just fearful.
Sometimes, you just have to be bigger than yourself.
Ali cannot bear to argue, he wants to please everyone. I spent much of my life arguing, I consider it cleansing and spiritually uplifting sometimes. Ali said he was very unhappy that I seemed unhappy, and he cannot really bear conflict.
So we had a good talk. I said that arguing is part of being human. I was not a saint, and he needn’t be a saint either. Arguing, getting angry, is part of being human, part of learning to trust each other. We will come out the other end.
We all have to learn how to do it. I thought of arguing sometimes as being like flushing a toilet, it just removes the waste and stress in a relationship.
I told Ali that he and I could not expect to do the kind of intense work we do together, day in and day out, and never have a disagreement. Bumps are a part of life.
You are not failing me by getting upset with me, or if I have a problem, I said, you are not my mother, you are not responsible for my happiness.
That is my job, and I am quite happy with my life, happier than I have ever been. Don’t take that on, I said.
So we had a cup of coffee together, went back to laughing and plotting and planning. It is the kids that matter, we both agreed, we have to do right by them. And we are brothers as well as friends, I think we both learned that we can argue and the world will not end.
Our friendship, solid and true, simply reformed like some soft putty.
That is good for both of us to know.
I think I learned this lesson a long time ago, but I am a lot older than Ali, and I have many battles under my belt. I think he knows it now as well.
That, i said, it only makes our friendship richer and more secure. It think it means we care.
Audio: The moral of the story:
Good for you. Good for Ali. And good for the kids, finding their voices and learning how to navigate their way through the awful politics of school. We know what they look like. No need to go shopping with them! And having spent three days with plumbers working on my old adobe house, I feel at least some of your financial pain. This too shall pass. And pass the wine, please.
Great post, Jill, I loved it.I think it’s true, these kids are changing, and I need to change with them.
Jon – Have you reacted this way if a Mansion resident that was helped with clothing, shoes, an air conditioner, etc. didn’t want to be photographed? Did you go to the Mansion’s “front office” and raise a fuss? Thankfully, I think, from what you wrote, that you understand what these kids have to deal with. It’s tough enough for them to get used to living in our country and going to school with the local kids every day without being singled out as the poor refugee kids on social media. I’ve donated now and again to help those who you help. I don’t need “proof” (i.e. photos) all the time. Once in awhile, it’s enjoyable to see photos, but we trust you Jon. We don’t need photographic proof.
Thanks Linda, good point. I should say that I NEVER photograph anyone without their permission, but I have to say, no one in the Mansion has ever denied it. Sometimes, I don’t feel comfortable taking a photo if they are not well or are looking ill..But I am grateful for your message, and thank yoiu.
I am so glad you decided to help with the kids clothing money without photos. Heck, sooner or later we will see them anyway…ON the kids. It is their right to ask not to be photographed this once, especially as all it would take is one person seeing your post and spreading it all over the school. Kids can be mean. Glad to see you are still human! LOVE the Army of Good.
Thanks Kate, wise advice, I appreciate it.. I am all too human!
To me, the best part of your story is that the refugee children were able to stand up for themselves, very politely, but obviously also firmly. Good for them! That is a strength we all need at times. And when you then acquiesced to their wishes, you further empowered them. A very heartwarming story all around.
Thanks Marianne, I have come to know and love these young people, they are courteous and brave and ever polite, I am glad they felt comfortable enough to challenge me on this, and I will always respect that independence.
Perhaps committing to pay those school fees was a step too far. Keep it small and manageable help those in real need to enhance their lives. There will always be bright and intelligent kids who will do ok without going to expensive private schools.
I don’t agree, Ruth, it was the best thing I’ve done, and it drew the greatest support and response of anything I’ve yet done. I don’t think you are in a position to know what is best for Sakler, not from a computer far away. This is a wonderful opportunity for him to learn what his current teachers all know he can’t learn where he is. He has exceptional skills. I got an enormous amount of money in a couple of days from people who want this to happen, and I have no doubts about it, I would do it again in a second. The fact that something is difficult does not mean it is wrong or not worth the trouble. Almost everything worth doing in life is hard. I hope I never run from something so worthwhile because it causes me some stress. Many people want this to happen as much as I do. I am very proud of myself and the hundreds of people who are eager to help, not turn away.