Of all the Mansion residents, Madeline, who is in her 90’s and grew up in an orphanage in the Bronx, loves music the music. A musician came to the Mansion today, and he sang the Beatles song “When I’m Sixty-Four.”
The song was especially prescient and empathetic for Paul McCartney, who wrote it, and the very young Beatles, who sang it. It showed an almost exquisite sensitivity for older people and the things they feel and worry about.
At the Mansion, almost everyone has seen sixty-four a long time ago, and while the Mansion is a warm and loving place to be, aging can be lonely and sad sometimes. The people there have left so much behind, and lost so much,, and struggle for things to look ahead to. They often feel abandoned and forgotten.
It is a pleasure to watch Madeline sing along with the music, she loves all the music she hears and knows every Broadway show tunes.
Her face is music all its own. I took a short video of the Mansion residents listening to that song today, and I felt the loneliness and sadness that is sometimes an inevitable by-product of getting to be far past sixty-four. Come and see.