Our pal Tim at the Mansion had his right leg amputated last week (he gave me permission to write about this) and the surgery went well. He expects to be coming back to the Mansion in several weeks, and then return to a rehab facility to get a prosthesis, and hopefully, to be able to walk again.
He drives his motorized wheelchair all over town, he is a writer and now, thanks to the Army Of Good, a photographer and artist. I called Tim this morning at the Sunnyview Rehabilitation Facility in Schenectady, New York (1270 Belmont Avenue, Schenectady, N.Y., N.Y., 12308.
We had a good talk, Tim is feeling better, his leg was very painful and is hopeful about his recovery. He is eager to use his camera and read the big pile of books he has stockpiled. Tim is a sweet soul and a passionate writer.
He is especially eager to get his new leg, his old one was mangled in an automobile accident. He is very eager to come home to the Mansion. I love his attitude, cheerful, open, uncomplaining. He’s a charter member of the Friday night Bingo Game.
I asked him if there is anything he might need, and he thought about it for awhile and said yes, there was, he would love some lifesavers, especially Peppermint or Evergreen. I sent him off a box this morning, feel free to send some more.
Tim said he would love to get your letters and messages, he has plenty of time to read in the hospital. His address is Tim Rice, Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital, 1270 Belmont Avenue, Schenectady, New York, 1270 Belmont Avenue, Schenectady, N.Y., 12308.