The readers of the blog just adopted their second dog this week, Albert, a handsome three-year-old chihuahua was adopted late this afternoon, according to Carol Johnson of Friends Of Homeless Animals. FOHA gets all kinds of dogs from different parts of the country, they specialize in heartworm and some hopeless dogs in great trouble.
These dogs all come with horror stories, most dogs in America are treated very well, but it is disheartening to hear the things some people will do to animals.
FOHA does the hard and dirty work most of us don’t like to think about.
I hope to highlight a different dog each week in need of a home, it’s a wonderful use of the blog and the many animal lovers who read it. I avoided doing this for years because I don’t want the blog to be limited to dog issues.
I hope we can keep our streak going.
I’m getting Bud from FOHA and I appreciate the group, their sensitivity and thoroughness.
I want my writing to range widely, but dogs are a central element of my life and writing and blog and it is foolish to help people but not vulnerable dogs. So I’ll be doing this regularly, and this week we are off to a great start.
They tell me Albert is a great dog, and I know that Jen, who a blog reader adopted earlier in the week, is also going to a great home.
This is shaping up as a great week of triumphs for the blog.
Tomorrow, I’m going to take a photo of Kelly Patrick, a certified nurse’s aide from the Mansion Assisted Care Facility. With the help of the Army Of Good, she is moving out of the tent she was living in all summer and into her double-wide trailer with her daughter and grandson.
More later.
Today, the refugees soccer team went to Ramblewild, a forest adventure park to walk among the trees. They loved it, I met them for lunch. Photos coming tonight. Tomorrow, a different group from the team is going to the Great Adventure Entertainment Park at Lake George.
Later on during summer break, they will spend time at the Powell House Youth Retreat, go bowling a couple of times, and swim and play video games at Lake George.
The Army of Good made all of these triumphs possible. To help continue all of this work, please consider making a contribution to the Gus Fund, c/o Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or via Paypal, [email protected]. And thanks.
Fabulous! Thank you for doing this for the dogs. Even if we can’t take one ourselves, we can get the word out. Another small thing for us all to help do our part. I love being in this Army of Good.