Looks like we will have reached the goal for the Soccer Team Back To School Fund by morning, we passed $600 today and I expect some more contributions in my P.O. Box (P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816) tomorrow morning.
THANK YOU, Army OF Good!
I am sure we will get to the $700 we need to buy the right clothes and school supplies for the members of the team who are entering high school in a week. Monday, the team is going to Ramblewild In Massachusetts to climb up into the trees.
Then, two more youth retreat afternoons at the Powell House Youth and Retreat Center.
Then, a day at the Great Escape Amusement Park in Lake George.
A great summer for these kids, heading for a new soccer season and a great Fall. Thanks so much.
If anyone is moved to help this team, you can send you contributions to the Gus Fund, c/o Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., or via Paypal, [email protected]. We will use every penny we get to help these children successfully acclimate to America.
And we need every penny we can get.