Maria and I went to Bejosh Farm yesterday to visit with Carol and the family, and it was the first time I’d been to the annex which Ed built recently by himself and where he spent the last few months of his life.
I didn’t feel his spirit there yesterday, but I imagine I will feel it around the farm. It was just strange not to see him there. It was his final space, he was at home there.
The crow we got for Carol – his name is Arnold – is still in his position near where Ed’s hospital bed was. Yesterday hospice workers came to take out the bed and the oxygen and the medical supplies.
So the room felt a bit eerie, and empty. I had some beautiful moments in there, and this was where Ed wanted to be, where he was most comfortable. Today there is a calling service at the farm, I think Ed is arriving in a horse-drawn wagon in a closed casket.
The service will be in an open field, a corn field right near the farmhouse. That’s what Ed wanted.
The funeral service will be on Sunday. I don’t think I can be there.
Ed is being buried in a family plot inĀ his camo clothes and white socks. I’ll be there and will take a few photos and share them. The family would like some pictures.