Nourished by donkey manure, bright sunlight and torrential rain, our gardens have exploded this year, they have never been brighter or thicker. Today, for the first time, I look through my camera lens at the beautiful garden Maria planted, and I saw autumn for the first time this summer.
I see the insects and ants have left their signature on the flowers and stems, I see the front row of flowers is beginning to thin out.
I see the light in the afternoon beginning to change and thin. I see autumn. School is just weeks ago, and soon, even with climate change, we will feel the night chill.
Is it only me, or do you see autumn as well?
Here in the Middle Rio Grande area of New Mexico, our growing season (which starts earlier and earlier every year) will continue into October, but the chiles have already been harvested and are being roasted — much earlier than usual. But we’re still in our monsoon season (thank goodness) and the acequias (irrigation ditches) are still full and the light hasn’t begun to change yet.
I can certainly attest to how quickly things can change at this time of year. For several days we had temperatures in the high 80’s and high humidity, something we aren’t used to in Edmonton. Then yesterday it clouded over and today it was rainy and only in the low 50’s. I had to turn on the fan in the car because the windows were fogging up. Autumn is coming.
I sense a change in the morning light.
Now that you mention it…..yes I see the first signs of autumn. But lately it seems like we’ve had to look at things through the prism of sheets of rain every day! We now live just a short drive from Skyline Drive in the Blue Ridge Mtns in Virginia. Thinking the fall colors will be spectacular this year 🙂