As long as Maria and I have been together, we have driven around the country together while I take pictures and she draws. Sometimes, if she is so moved, she takes pictures of me taking pictures. This used to make me uncomfortable, just as my photographing her made her uncomfortable, but we got used to it.
I can’t begin to count the number of times I asked her to stop the car or turn around and go back, she has never once complained about, she keeps her pads handy in the back of the car, I hope she shares those sketches with the rest of the world one day.
Very of them are of me, but some are.
The line between our art and our work is pretty thin, sometimes invisible.
We lead open lives and share much of them. I am proud to say that finally, I have no secrets. There is nothing bad to say about me that I haven’t said myself and don’t know myself.
Some people are always badgering me to change, and become the person they wish I would be, but I have landed now, and I am comfortable with me. Take it or leave it.
Maria is comfortable with me also, and so here I am, looking at this very lovely photograph of me taking a photograph of a rainbow we spotted hanging over a farm.
Maria was sitting in the car sketching, and then she saw me and took out her Iphone and got this shot. I could tell she was pleased with herself.
I like it, it speaks to me, and is me. This is where our creative lives together fuse. I will want to keep this photo, not only because she took it but because it is really is me. That’s what good artists too, they capture the essence of people.
And I, for one, feel it’s important to let them.