4 August

The Old Farmer’s Corn Stand

by Jon Katz
The Old Farmer’s Corn Stand

The old farmer sold corn out of his stand for as long as anyone could remember. He had his own system for stacking and bagging the corn, and in his later years, his wife, who he called “mother,” came out to help him when he could no longer figure out the money and change.

The stand closed down two years ago – I often took photos of it – and we passed it by today and I wanted to capture the old stand, overgrown now with weeds and grass, as a storm passed the the sky turned a beautiful blue and yellow.

I wanted to remember the old farmer, he hated being photographed but he relented after I asked him a dozen times over a couple of years. I don’t know where the photos might be but I think of him sitting there in his straw hat, selling his corn all through the month of July and a bit through August.

I can see him sitting there with his signs and bags.

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