A couple of months ago, a reader of the blog, a member of the Army Of Good, sent me a check, she told me to wait until the right moment and buy Carol something nice with it, something Carol Gulley would never buy for herself.
Carol doesn’t ever buy anything for herself, she’s like Maria in that way, but I knew this was the “nice” gift I had agreed to look for. It just took me a couple of months of searching.
Today I felt it was the right moment. I stopped in a local artisan’s market looking for a bracelet or perhaps a necklace, and I found myself staring at the perfect gift – a beautiful wood carving of a crow.
It was not cheap, but it was right.
Carol and Ed love crows, and both believe a crow is sitting outside of Ed’s window every day checking on him and preparing to go with him on his next journey. Carol just loved it, she said, “it’s wonderful, it’s Ed’s crow.”
She brought it right to Ed’s bedside and left it on the table next to his bed. He was deep in sleep, but he didn’t wake up or open his eyes. When he does, it will be the first thing he sees. “Ed’s Crows.”