I wanted to catchup with some of you and make sure you know what you have done for the Mansion residents in recent weeks.
Today, we brought the last six cushions over to the Mansion porch, we made sure every rocking chair has a cushion to sit on, an a cushion to lean on. The residents and their sore backs and bodies are very grateful.
Today, a shy older woman at the Mansion came up to me in the hallway and said she needed an air conditioner, she told me the sun just beats down on her room al day and during the recent heat wave, it was uncomfortable for her and draining.
She said she was just too shy to ask me before this. Until tonight every resident of the Mansion who wants an air conditioner now has one, a program we started last year and finished this Spring. These gifts offer comfort and peace of mind every day this summer.
We also put a large air conditioner into the window of the Mansion kitchen, their old air conditioner was broken. It was installed two weeks ago, just before the heat wave. The kitchen staff is very grateful to the Army Of Good.
Yesterday, T-shirts arrived at the Mansion for two male residents who have not had new T-shirts for some years. Their old T-shirts were literally disintegrating around them.
We sponsored outings for a boat ride on Lake George, a visit to an aquarium in Rotterdam, N.Y., lunches at local restaurants.
We have buzzed through three Mansion Wish Lists on Amazon, got food for the cat and the birds, tents and supplies for the summer festivities and parties, blowers and bulbs and manure for the garden, bins to hold all of the CD’s pouring in, and bucket loads of prizes for the Mansion bingo games.
Beyond that we have bought clothes for those who need them, from bras to underwear to sweatpants, and just this week bought four new sets of tablecloths for the Mansion dining room, they will appear on the tables over the weekend.
You have done a lot, and I am immensely grateful. If you wish to continue to support the work at the Mansion, you can send a contribution to me at the Gus Fund, c/o Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816 or via Paypal.
Every penny goes where it is supposed to go, and I work hard every day to show you photos of the people you help and the things your donations help us bring them. Thank you.