27 June

What You Did: DVD’s In The Mansion

by Jon Katz
DVD’s In The Mansion

A few weeks ago, I put out a call for DVD’s of modern movies to be sent to the Mansion, they are watching movies regularly now, especially recent ones. The response was, as usual, astounding. Boxes of DVD’s and DVD’s newly purchased from Amazon came pouring into the Mansion from all over the country, and are stacked in boxes in the Activity Room.

Some are brand new, some used.

Last week, the Mansion request plastic bins for all the new DVD’s and at least a dozen bins have arrived, some also new, some donated and shipped. This is one of five or six new DVD holders where the movies will be stored in the Activity Room for the new Mansion Movie Club, they will be busy for  years to come.

This is another wonderful thing you have done for the residents of the Mansion, few of them were watching movies before, and many of them had never gotten to the movies much in their lives, this is a stimulating and entertaining new dimension for them, you have made it possible.

Many are seeing contemporary movies for the first time. Some are seeing any kind of movie for the first time, these  DVD’s connect them to the outside world and give them a stimulating new reason to gather together, and something of great fun to do.

Thanks so much. To support my Mansion work, you can contribute by sending a donation to me  at the Gus Fund, c/o Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or via Paypal, [email protected].

A number of the residents need some summer clothes, it gets warm in the Mansion sometimes and a heat wave is arriving on Sunday. Time for me to hit some thrift shops and perhaps, some online discount stories.

You can write to the Mansion residents c/o The Mansion, 11 S.Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y. 12816.

Thanks so much for the DVD’s. They matter.

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