26 June

When Plans Fall Apart, Maybe There’s A Reason

by Jon Katz
The Trip That Fell Apart

Well, I had planned a trip to New York this weekend with Maria to see Robin, my granddaughter and my daughter Emma.

I had a room reservation in a hotel, I was checking the train schedules. I noticed in an e-mail that the hotel rez was booked for the wrong night, Friday, instead of Saturday, I’m not sure if it was their fault or mine.

While I tried to call to change it and waited on hold, and was asked to take surveys and listened to horrible music and given 20 choices as options have changed, and ended up in Tennessee rather than Brooklyn, I went online to book a train ride and found all of the trains for the weekend were either canceled or sold out due to construction problems and other issues.

The trip was already falling apart when the hotel got back on the line – I had been on hold- to tell me the room booking could be switched to Saturday if I would agree to book the room for two or three nights. I didn’t agree, we canceled the trip.

I’ll ship all the art stuff I bought to Robin via USPS when it comes. Life is complex, I suppose, but it seems to me to be getting more complex, but then, I don’t exactly lead a simple life.

But New York City is getting more and more expensive and difficult to navigate, I think. There is just no such thing as a simple trip there. We even debated driving, but the time on the roads and in traffic for such a short trip didn’t make sense. Driving anywhere in NYC now is madness.

I’ll be home this weekend, and while I’m sorry not to be seeing Emma and Robin, I’m also a bit relieved. There are a 1,000 things rushing around in my head and it might be nice to have some head space forĀ  a couple of days.

I think trips like that are either meant to happen, or not meant to happen. They revealed themselves. This one sure did.

It was dizzying how quickly that trip fell apart.


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