I’ve lived with donkeys for more than a decade now, once there were four, now there are two, Lulu and Fanny, sisters. I’ve seen the spiritual and mystical powers of donkeys first hand, and I believe in the power of a donkey’s eye. I believe they see right into souls.
Donkeys are profoundly spiritual beings. They are one of the most mistreated and abused animals on the earth, they have been with people forever and know them well, good enough to never completely trust them or eagerly do everything they ask.
Unlike dogs, donkeys have evolved into a place well beyond unconditional love and instant obedience. Donkeys are thoughtful creatures, everything has to be their idea, they don’t give love away or give it without condition. Donkeys are aware that many things human beings might ask them to do can be harmful or hurtful to them, so they watch carefully and give everything some thought.
Donkeys never forget a slight or a hurt. Nine years ago, when my life was coming apart, and I fell into a dreadful panic, I sent all of my animals away to a farmer friend in Vermont.
I remember getting halters on them both and pushing and pulling them out of the barn and into a carrier truck. They didn’t want to go and brayed piteously.
They were gone for a year until I was well enough and strong enough bring them back. During that time, Lulu was attacked by a dog and injured and Fanny was lonely and morose.
Donkeys bond powerfully with people, even if they don’t always show it. When they came back, Fanny forgive me right away.Lulu has never completely forgiven me and certainly hasn’t forgotten. If I even look at a halter, she backs up, looks at me reproachfully and runs off. Maria has to put it on.
Two or three years ago, she let me brush her and lately she has been cuddling with me and standing near me when I am in the pasture, a sign of donkey love. They love to bump the people they love.
Lulu’s eyes are piercing and deep, I believe donkeys can see right into souls. I’ve had many people come to the farm, and some she likes and some she doesn’t, and in my experience, she usually has good judgment. Sometimes, she looks at me, and I hear her say, “are you ready to be loved.” And she can always manipulate me into giving her a cookie or carrot.
They smell moods 100 yards away.
Lulu loved Maria from the moment she saw her. She has good taste in people. Fanny has always attached herself to me, we bonded in the way back and have stayed close. Once in a while, she even does what I ask. Donkeys have a wisdom and intelligence that is deep and profound.
They see right through us. And they make their own decisions.