We had dinner out our friends Kitty Farnham and Charlie Bargamian’s house in Bennington the other night, and Kitty showed us something I had never hard of or seen before: a herb bound. This is a mound of dirt (or fertilizer) covered in herbs: thyme, oregano and rosemary.
Maria and I both loved it and we also have the tools to make it – year-old, cured donkey fertilizer and plenty of rocks to shore up the base. So we’re going to build a herb mound – there are also herb spirals – this weekend next to the Dahlia garden.
This is the year of the gardens at Bedlam Farm, flowers and plants and vegetables popping up all over the place. Photos this weekend, weather permitting. We use fresh herbs all the time in our cooking, it will be a treat to eat our own.
Many thanks to Kitty and Charlie.
P’S. We are getting the sheep shorn in the morning.