My day started early today, I went to the Mansion to drop off six bags of mulch for their garden. The Army Of Good struck swiftly and efficiently, cleaning out the new Mansion Wish List, which sought three tents for their annual picnic in August. It took under five minutes.
These tents will be a great boon to the Mansion, they can use them again and again, all through the Spring, Summer and early Fall. Thanks so much.
This morning, I’m getting ready to leave for Albany, where Ali and I are meeting with an Afghan refugee in some difficulty. I’lll report back later.
Maria just got some jarring news, her precious little Toyota Yarus, 10y years old, has rusted out and will have to be replaced over the next couple of months. She loves that little car – I called it the “Toilet Bowl” on wheels, and it served her well.
Maria is an artist earning an artist’s pay, and she is not happy to have to get a new car. But that is life, cars rust out in upstate New York, and the Yarus never caused any trouble, even in nasty weather.
Tonight, she’s going to Belly Dancing class and I’m joining her there for dinner with friends in Bennington.