I wrote about demagogues and masses and history yesterday and today, Patricia commented on Facebook what what she learned from the piece was that she could’t really change anyone but herself. This, I think, is one of the very great lessons I have learned from my own journey through life.
When I let go of the arrogant conceit that I had the power to save other people and alter their lives, I was finally beginning to be free. Thanks Patricia, for capturing that. I can only change me, and I have the devil’s time even doing that.
I realized this morning that it had been awhile since I got a photo of Maria cuddling with Lulu, as she does every morning. So I got this photo. I like it.
You are welcome 🙂 I love your blog and have followed it and you and Maria for a long time, though I don’t post comments often. You both keep me thinking and stretching the boundaries of my life. Thank you!