4 June

The “Trust” Old Apron/Panama/India/Tablecloth Quilt

by Jon Katz
The Old Apron Quilt

I think of Maria as a Populist artist, she makes beautiful quilts and fiber works out of  old or discard fabrics. This quilt is a wonderful example of populist art, there are parts of old aprons, fabric from India, some mothers’ tablecloth, and vibrant patterns from an island off of Panama.

It’s a delicious view, Maria calls it “Trust.” She writes about it and sells it today on Etsy and on her blog. It costs $400 plus shipping, and it will probably not hang around here for too long. I can never quite  grasp how Maria takes all of these diverse kinds of fabric and connects them into a beautiful whole.

The quilt is on sale now, both on Etsy and her blog.  She sees a huge stack of beautiful old fabrics, and she sees a quilt or potholder or drawing or hanging piece.

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