I got the first photo of an Army Of Good Bumper Sticker from AOG soldier Susan in Indiana over the weekend. I actually got several before hers but the files didn’t seem to want to give me the photos. I’m eager to post photos of the Army Of Good bumper stickers as they pop up all over the country.
Thanks Susan, for your generosity and for sending me this photo. I believe we are creating a viral force all of its own. We have bumper stickers on hand and for sale for $10. You can order one simply by going to Maria’s Etsy page. There is no charge for shipping.
We’ve sent out somewhere between 150 and 200, we have 500 on hand for sales and to sell at our Open House on Columbus Day Weekend. It will be an exciting Open House – Ed Gulley selling art, Mary Kellogg reading her new poetry, a new puppy from Robin Gibbons, plus a great art show, sheep herding, donkey visits and good company. Come if you can, people come from everywhere to see the farm and meet with us.
I am proud to be offering these bumper stickers. This work has grounded and sustained me, and, I think, many other people as well. If you prefer, you can order them by mail, Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. The stickers are $10 apiece.
I get mail from every state in the United States and I look forward to seeing one of these on a car. Thanks for your support.
P.S. As you notice, I am obscuring part of the license plate just to be safe, I’ll continue that practice. See the stickers here.
I wish I had it during my trip to Colorado. I would love to have shown it off in Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, and Colorado into mountains. Next time.
Thanks for your great spirit, Susie..