Robin has some teeth to show. I think I need to get down there and see her soon, there is always talk of her coming up here to visit the farm, but that is hard for Jay and Emma to organize. Robin and I are more aware of each other these days, she remembers me when I call.
I imagine I’ll get down there for a day in a few weeks. Robin is emerging as a social, confident, loving and strong-willed person. Good for Emma and Jay. Emma has turned out to be a wonderful mother, I am quite proud of her.
Every time i post a photo of Robin, somebody says she looks just like me. I don’t see it and nobody else who knows her sees it either, and I hope for her sake it isn’t true. Emma says she looks just like Jay when he was her age.
It’s not a big deal to me one way or the other, and I certainly don’t need her to look like me. I can’t see why its a good thing for a two-year old girl to look like her aging grandfather. I wouldn’t have wanted to look like my grandfather when I was two, and I was never conscious of looks.
Perhaps this is one of those things that I just don’t get.
I hope she looks like her own distinct self. I think she already does. Robin is already very much her own person, with her own will, and I think that’s neat. And she is proud of her teeth. I have to get her some more books.
Maybe if you go to the city to see her she can come back with you to the farm for a visit.
Maybe, maybe not..
I also love her hair
She’s adorable!