I was in my office working today when I heard some rumbling and grumbling from the porch I went outside to see what was happening, and I was startled to see that Maria had re-arranged the porch, got up on the railing and put up some new outdoor sunblinds I bought, and hauled in a table from somewhere and some chairs.
In just a few minutes, she had created a whoie new and quite private dining area (we share it with Flo, who hangs out on the porch in the summer.
I’m not sure where all this furniture came from, or how she moved it all by herself, but I love the space and we had dinner out there tonight as the sun set over the hills across from the farm.
In the afternoon, the sun is strong on the porch, at night, there are cool breezes, it’s a lovely place to sit and read and talk. We weren’t using it much at all, and now, there is yet another gracious and comfortable space for us to use in the warm weather.
There is really no space between art and life in our home, and it find it exciting and creative and wonderful, even if I am often surprised and taken aback by the energy and drive it takes to create it.
Life is like this with Maria, I sometimes feel as if I am an awe-struck spectator from the heartlands visiting a busy and innovative art gallery in the form of a farmhouse. In the blink of an eye, things change here.
Porch looks beautiful!
Sharon, I loved your note, thank you for it and for the good words. I hope you do start the Journal, you write well and from the heart.
Love the porch! We have had rain and heat. Way behind in yard and garden work. Since my husband died in January it has been difficult to find joy. At 72 I am learning how to take care of many things. Learning to keep looking to find the right people to help with jobs I cannot do. Family is not always available! Thank you for your posts! They make me smile, cry, and think. Each day they take me to another place away from what is causing me anxiety. Then I can sleep or do chores that need doing. I met my late husband in 1965. This would have been our 50 year of marriage. Might be time to open a journal and write again. Thank you to Maria for helping me find beauty everywhere again!