Anyone who wonders about the impact of climate change should sit with some farmers for a day or two. Or even better, just watch a couple of donkeys. Donkeys, like horses, are prey animals.
They never lie down unless they feel completely safe and can see in almost e very direction. Their big ears are always up and swiveling. listening for predators.
And if there are two or more donkeys, one is almost always standing guard and watching out for the other. When I moved to the country more than a decade ago, the climate was almost shockingly different. We wore blankets at night up to July, and then again in late August.
Today, the temperature was 86 degrees, and the animals were still, almost lethargic. The sheep were in the pole barn, still and breathing heavily (the shearer is coming June 9.) I looked out and s aw Lulu and Fanny lying down in the sun, conserving their energy.
The Native Americans always said when two donkeys lie down together, it means a heat wave or big storm is coming. I think that is true.
Facing opposite directions, always on guard. Each has the others back. Hmm, something to ponder.