We sat down at 8.m. to prepare envelopes and stamps and stickers for the first chunk of the first mailing, and we just quite, sometime after 10 p.m. I think we did about 100 labels and envelopes, they are going out all over the country, as far away as California, Arizona, Nevada, Kentucky, Canada, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and many more.
The Army Of Good is an idea that is about to spread its wings a bit.
We have more stickers to mail out, but that’s enough for tonight, Maria has already gone to bed. The stickers cost $10, free shipping, all extra donations will go straight to the Gus Fund to help the Mansion residents and the refugees.
You can order the bumper stickers on Maria’s Etsy page, or if you prefer, you can send $10 in cash or check form to my post office box, Jon Katz, Post Office Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. Just mark it “Bumper Sticker.” This is special, a big step for us and for this idea, of doing good rather than arguing and hating one another.
The Army Of Good has done a lot of good this year, the bumper sticker idea obviously hit a nerve, the others are coming in every day, and thanks.
I hope it gives some of you some pleasure, I hope it helps keep good alive in our hearts and out in the world. I think good deeds are viral, they spread good feeling. Come see the bumper stickers here.