Our UPS driver saw my car at the post office in town and came in with my bumper stickers, he knew I was eager to see them. I’ve been waiting for them.
I love living in a small town. I was at the post office to discuss mailing the stickers with Wendy, our beloved clerk. We went over postage, weight, etc.
Fortunately the new envelopes qualify as first class size. I got a big roll of stamps.
This is exciting for me, I can’t say why for sure. It means a lot somehow to see these bumper stickers riding all over the country, perhaps the idea of doing good will become a meme and perhaps outrun hate and bigotry and mean-spiritedness.
We have everything ready – new envelopes, stamps and now the stickers themselves. A big day here. You can buy them two was – by sending me $10 (P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816) or on Maria’s Etsy page. We’ll ship out as many as we can on Tuesday, after the holiday.
I came home and Maria and we each put one of them on our cars. Th is the first bumper sticker I have ever put on a car of mine.
We have a large pile of orders and we are eager to spend some time over the weekend stuffing, labeling and mailing them. I haven’t counted but it looks like roughly 100 mail pre-orders so far from all over the country, which is amazing. We have 500 stickers, Etsy is a great way to sell them. I can order more quickly, I imagine I will have to.
They will also be sold at our October (Columbus Day Weekend) Open House.
Thanks for the orders and for the extra donations many of you are slipping into the envelopes.

The stickers are now available for sale on Maria’s Etsy page, it is fast and simple to order one. If you prefer, you can order a bumper sticker through my post office box, just send cash or check for $10 to Jon Katz, Bumper Sticker, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.
if there is any surplus from the orders (many people are enclosing additional money for the Mansion residents or refugees), all of it will go to the Gus Fund, which supports the refugees and Mansion residents. The stickers cost $600 to print, plus special size envelopes and stamps.
The Army Of Good has evolved into a powerful idea, a purpose, a direction for those of us who are disheartened by the anger and conflict that is challenging our country right now. We want to do good, not fight about it. We want to keep good alive at a time when it seems to be struggling.
For me, the Army Of Good bumper stickers are a statement of who I am, who I want to be, who I don’t want to be. I have never put my beliefs on the back of a car before. This one feels good.
For those who might not know, the Army Of Good is comprised of people all over the country who believe that doing good is better than fighting with one another, we see the follow what is sacred in every religion in the world – helping the needy and the vulnerable and the poor, specifically people in assisted care and refugees and immigrants.
We commit small acts of great kindness. Anyone can join, everyone is welcome.
I don’t wish to be a hater, or spend my life in perpetual conflict and resentment. Doing good feels good, thank you for supporting my work and I can’t wait to see photos of these bumper stickers on cars.
Please e-mail them to me at [email protected], I’ll post as many as I can on the blog. You can buy them here.
Hope this can count as a pre order. I mailed a check this morning from Kentucky. You and I are the same age, and I too have never had a bumper sticker on my vehicle.
Me either, it certainly counts as long as you mailed it to my p.o. box, that will always be one way…I’ve never had anything on my bumper either..this is exciting, and I hope you’ll e-mail me a photo of the bumper sticker so can put it up on the blog..Thanks..