In a galaxy long ago and far away, I had tens of thousands of dollars in the bank, my books were flying out of bookstores, networks and journalists were begging to come up to Bedlam Farm and interview me, I got scores of lovely reviews, I launched my books on the most prestigious NPR book-loving shows, I toured the country in big black cards with attentive escorts, who made sure I ate well, and got everywhere I needed to go.
I gave readings in the country’s best bookstores to standing room only crowds. It was a dream, I think in many ways, a good one and a bad one. I flew too close to the sun, as we all know, but not before I ordered about 60 Bedlam Farm caps, one black with white lettering, one green with black lettering and a graphic design symbol of Izzy, then the reigning dog star and border collie on the farm.
I gave some of the caps away, and we sold some at our Open Houses, but after the fall, I felt uneasy with the idea, it seemed too self-centered and self-promotional to me. It just made me queasy, i was not looking for attention.
I’ve healed and grown and changed somewhat and people ask me fairly often if I would think of ordering some caps again. My world is different now, it seems like a good idea, and so I messaged Sara Kelly, who designed the Army Of Good Bumper Stickers.
Maria wears the blue one sometimes, I wear the green one sometimes, they are nice caps, all cotton, and I see them at our Open Houses once in awhile, but not often. I hear they have become collectors items, I aspire to that myself. It just feels good to put the caps out there.
I asked Kelly to design a blue (Navy) hat and green one, like those above. The Navy hat will only have lettering, the olive hat will have an image or one or two donkeys, I decided not to go with a dog this time.
When I put sheep on my business cards, some people were disappointed. They wanted Red.
The farm and the blog are more than that, I think, although dogs are the soul of the enterprise.
I just don’t want to be defined only in that way.
Sara is working at her design, and one difference between then and now is that Maria will sell the caps on her etsy page, it will be simple to buy them. I’m going to order a small number of caps, because I’m not as delusional as I was then, or as wealthy, and see what happens.
I asked Sara for classy, cotton hats. When she sends me a proof, I’ll share it with you, of course.
Don’t wear a cap, wear visors…any chance?
Hats are a great idea and i guarantee they will go like hot cakes. love to wear them walking shelter dogs, shopping etc, good way to control the hair and to advertise, looking forward to ordering them, yay