It took several hours to bring in all the packages, open them, hang the paintings, set up the tv. We are helping Saad to get cable next week, he will be able to watch Arabic tv channels and will fell less isolated and alone. Maria brought hooks and a hammer, Saad asked her to put the photos anywhere she wished, and she did.
Maria is amazing at figuring out where art should go and hanging it. Thanks to Susan Popper for the prints, Rachel Barlow for the paintings, Kathleen for some of the money, and the Army of Good for everything else.
He flipped over the linen map of Arabia she donated, he pointed out every single country to us. Slowly, the walls begin to fill up, the room looked warmer and lived in, the echo was gone when we spoke, and Saad was a very happy and grateful. man.
He wanted me to thank the people who contributed to this support and assistance, he is not sure what the Army Of Good, but he wanted me to thank you also. And I do.
If you wish to continue to support me in this work, you can send a contribution to the Gus Fund, c/o Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y.,12816 or via Paypal, [email protected]. More photos of this special day coming.
Two weeks ago, Saad was virtually homeless, with no money for an apartment deposit. Today, he has an apartment in a good and space place, tools to communicate with his world, a chance to figure out how to find work and live in America, and perhaps recover some of the health he lost in a brutal country and a dangerous refugee camp.
You all made it happen, my heart sings out to you in gratitude.