Matt of M& M digital printing just messaged me to say our bumper stickers will arrive at Bedlam Farm one week from today on Thursday, May 24. Some of the machinery at the printing shop broke down and he had to ship the work out. But they look great, I am told and will arrive soon.
We are charging $10 apiece (no shipping fee) for these laminated “The Army Of Good” bumper stickers, I hoped to give them away but that was a pipe dream, between the bumper stickers and the new envelopes we need (plus shipping) it will be close to $8 a sticker.
I did insist that they be of the finest quality, laminated and 10″ by 3.” If there is any money left over (there might be some, depending on how many are sold), it will go directly into the Gus Fund to help the refugees and Mansion residents.
You can pre-order a bumper sticker of you wish by sending cash or a check to The Gus Fund, c/o Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. When the stickers arrive, Maria will post them on her spanking (and successful) new etsy site, and you can order them simply and quickly there.
For now, it’s me and my P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.
This feels like a very good project to me, and we have more than 100 pre-orders already from all over the country. I think good can spread like a virus, and think of the sweet moments we can have when we run into one another all over the place. Everybody I know wants one.
We are keeping good alive. It is so much better to do good than to argue about it. So pre-order if you wish or wait for etsy at the end of next week. Thanks. Good will prevail if you believe in it.