There are only four items left on the new Amazon Mansion Wish List.
The residents are trying to build a beautiful garden, even more lush and productive than last year’s. The Mansion gardens are shocking beautiful, well l aid out, and important to the residents.
They eat the vegetables, put the flowers in their room, tend and water the plants, weed when they can. The Army Of Good bought a picnic table and some chairs last year and so they are planning to sit outside and care for the garden or watch if they can’t move much themselves.
The Mansion garden is a labor of love.
The wish list has made the garden radically better, bigger, more varied and colorful. They are shooting this year to win a Garden Club ribbon. I think they have a fine shot.
the residents are hoping for some flowers they have never planted before. The Rhineland Astilbe on the list is currently unavailable, says Amazon, so is the Crocus Grand Collection.
Perhaps I can find these flowers elsewhere and sent them to the Mansion (11 S. Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816). I’m not a gardener, but the Army Of Good has a lot of them.
I think the Tulip Bulbs are the last flowers on the list that are available.
I will be closely following the Mansion gardens, and posting photos.
I love the idea of building this garden, it anĀ affirmation of life and color and light, so essential to the Mansion residents.
I imagine the Tulip Bulbs won’t last long, and thanks so much for supporting the Mansion Wish List Project. You have no idea how much a difference you are making.
You are keeping good alive.
Much love and gratitude. You can see what’s left of the Wish List Here. Oh yes, there is also a four-volume set of Elvis Cd’s but I spent enough money already. It costs $49. I think Julie is swinging for the bleachers.
Check out the wish list here.
amazon wants a phone number
518 677-3711, and thanks