“This Time Of Life”
When Maria and I met about 10 years ago, we began our friendship by deciding to work together to publish our friend Mary Kellogg’s first book “My Place On Earth.” We both were very different people then, Maria was painfully shy and uncertain, she told me one morning that she could never figure out how to design and organize a book of poetry.
I told her that she could, and should try. She did, and was a naturally gifted book editor and designer. The book was successful and we published two more.
Tonight, we began assembling the poem’s for Mary’s fourth book, titled “This Time Of Life.” A portrait I recently took of Mary will be the cover. Mary’s first book was the beginning our friendship, and I think, our love, although neither of us recognized that at the time.
It also marked the rebirth of Maria’s life as an artist, it was the beginning of her struggle to rebuild her confidence in herself and her ability to make a life as an artist.
So it was very important for me to see her sitting at the living room table sorting through Mary’s new batch of poems and preparing to send them off to another friend – book designer and artist Abrah Griggs in Vermont – so we can publish and sell Mary’s new book. Maria has no qualms or hesitations about pulling this book together, and I can’t help but think about that time and then.
Mary and her work and friendship have always been important to us, this is one of the many reasons.
We will bring the books to Connie Brooks at Battenkill Books when they are printed, and she will sell and ship them, we love these poems and hope Mary can read some of them at our October Open House. The books will also be sold there.
I’ll share one of them with you now, it’s called Spring Bulbs.
“core is already thrusting forth,
in search of sun and air
to breath in wash of rain.
I dig the bulb
it’s pregnant body
cool and moist in my hand.”
Mary is recovering from a broken hip at the the Holbrook Adult home (you can write her c/o Holbrook Adult Home, 73 North Street, Granville, N.Y., 12832).
We will bring the poem selection to her this week for her final approval, we hope to have copies available for sale through Battenkill Books in the next few weeks.