Diane seems to intuitively know what it means to be loved. She was hugging Sue, her new baby, and looked over at Red, who was sitting behind me on the floor, out of the way. He seemed to understand that this was not his work.
Hollyanne had to go back to work, I stayed with Diane and Red and Sue. It was very beautiful in that room, very quiet but peaceful.
Diane called him over to her – she loves Red and he always visits with her – hugged him in her right arm and her baby Sue on her left shoulder. Without letting go of Sue, she leaned forward. There was plenty of emotion in the room right then, but more was coming.
“I still love you,” she told him, “you know that, don’t you? I will always love you. You need to be loved, you will always be loved.” She wanted to reassure Red that he would not be forgotten. Red is never one to forego a hug, he was happy to stay in that moment with Diane and her new baby.
“You thought i wouldn’t love you any more because I have a baby now, didn’t you?,” she teased. Red wagged his tail, he knows when someone is speaking to him.
I was very happy with this day, a new experiment that worked, an new experiment that helped brighten a life. Diane has so much love to give, and now she has a way to love something and care for something 24 hours a day. She said she was going to take a nap with Sue, and sleep next to her in her bed.
As we left, she yelled out to Red, “you will always be loved.” I waved goodbye and closed the door.