9 April

Messages For The Gus Fund, And In Honors Of His Life

by Jon Katz
Messages For The Gus Fund

The messages for the Gus Fund continue to fill my Post Office Box (P.O.Box 502, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

These are a wonderful and continuing gift from Gus to the Mansion residents and refugee kids after his death a few weeks ago.

They honor his name and our love for him.

I changed the name of the Mansion/Refugee Fund to the Gus Fund, and this struck a nerve. Today, letters from Colorado, California,  New Jersey, Illinois, , Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Iowa, Rhode Island, Georgia, New Mexico, North Carolina, Tennessee, Wisconsin, and Florida.

Most of the donations are $5, $10, $20 bills, they are especially touching and meaningful to me.

From Sue in Milwaukee: “Enclosed is a small contribution in Gus’s memory, your dog who in his short life lived more experiences than most dogs have in  a much longer lifetime, loved by so many and cared for from afar.

From Kate in Tennessee: “Having lost a two-year-old child, I know that the value of life is not measured in the number of days lived. Gus had what all dogs deserve – people who loved and cared for him…Please accept this small but heartfelt appreciation. I look forward to reading about the next little spirit animal that comes bounding into your life.”

From Candy in Denver: “For the love of Gus…”

From Diane in California: “For your wonderful people at the Mansion and for the refugees. Your writing has expanded my universe, for which I’m grateful…thank you.”


Messages For The Gus Fund

From Karla in Illinois: “Thank you for the daily inspiration to follow my heart, seek out the good in others and in myself, and to give of myself whether it be time, effort, money or love. We really are her for this higher purpose. May I always and forever remember this and act it, every day. With much love…”

From Kathy In Massachusetts: “I have way too many words to day what your blog has meant to me over the past what feels like a lifetime..so I won’t try. Actually it’s nearly impossible to find the words. And I wish I had more to give. But please know that I think of you and Maria and the folks at the Mansion and your RISSE family often, and thank you do for them. I am honored to be part of the Army Of Good. So happy birth from me…Im memory of Gus…”

From Paulette In Philadelphia: “Here’s a small donation to honor Gus, the spirited little fellow who gave us such fun and some lessons of life. Thanks to you, his stewards, you and Maria, who gave him such a good life. Thanks also for the work you do with refugees and seniors. Here’s to life…”

I wanted to share this with you, they do fill me with emotion and gratitude. I will use your dollars wisely and well, every penny will go to make someone’s life brighter and more peaceful. They touch me deeply. I don’t have many words to say either…

I have gotten well over 200 messages from all over the country since Gus died, some contain donations and checks, some don’t. They are all precious and welcome. If you wish to honor Gus, you can send your donation or contribution to the Gus Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or via Paypal, jon@bedlamfarm.com

I am especially grateful that to many of you with few dollars to spare send some of them to me to help the residents and refugees. They have special meaning for me, and for Maria. thanks.

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