I am always wary of interpreting a dog’s motives, and many people have asked me how fate has reacted to the loss of her playmate Gus. We haven’t really noticed any changes. Fate is, however the smartest dog I have known, she misses nothing and is interested in everything.
I know she saw Gus hop up into my lap many times, sometimes she rarely, if ever did. Since Gus left, she is climbing up on the footstool and twisting herself around and landing in my lap. She is not a cuddly dog, she is an intensely active working dog, she is rarely ever still.
When she climbs into my lap, she just puts her head on my should, rolls over on her back and waits for me to rub her belly, she stays still for five to ten minutes – a very new behavior.
Maria and I both think Fate has been noticed the life of the small dog and wants some lap love and scratching. Gus brought out Fate’s playfulness but also her sweetness. She will be happy to meet another Boston Terrier sometime this summer, I think. I think at times Fate wants to be a small dog.
She is doing her job; filling in for Gus.