I believe that grief does not change me, it reveals me, it tells me and others who I am and who I wish to be.
Over time, I think the most valuable lessons I’ve learned and written about relate to grief. Grief is a universal experience, if you have people you love and animals you love, you will experience grief and struggle to understand it, and how to deal with it.
I am getting older, I have grieved for people, grieved for dogs.
It is the one place we have all gone and will go. There is no left or right in grief, despite the news, we are all human.
Grieving for animals is so pervasive I wrote a book about it, I called it “Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die.” I get messages about that book almost every day. I imagine every single person reading this has experienced grieving in one form or another.
So it is important for me to share what I know and have learned, and am learning. Grief is a gift in some ways, it is a great teacher.
Grieving is a personal and very individual experience, I believe, there is no one way to do it, no right or wrong way, only the way in which we experience it. I never think my experience is relevant to everyone else’s, but we all learn from one another, we take what we need and leave the rest behind.
An online friend, a wise therapist who blesses me occasionally with her messages, wrote me today, and she said she was guessing that there was something about losing Gus that has been hard for me “to metabolize” as easily as other experiences of loss of dogs.”
As always, Ann is perceptive.
Gus was different. First, because he was so young and full of life, even as he was starving and suffering.
Secondly, because a small dog replicates the experience of having a baby in some ways, it brings out the nurture.
And then, this: my first wife and I lost two babies, Gus’s death re-awakened some of my enormous feelings of grief and loss over them, feelings that are submerged far down in my sub-conscious.
The body never forgets, and it certainly never forgets trauma.
Beyond that, there is a special attachment formed to people and animals in our care, especially when they get sick. The very act of caring for them is a profoundly important emotional experience. I sometimes think we love the things most that need us the most.
I have learned that grief has is own mind, and will take its own time. Some people grieve outwardly, some grieve inwardly. On social media, I often see people turning to their friends when they have experienced a loss. This seems to bring them comfort and loss.
I see others who can’t seem to let go of their grieving, posting remembrances and about their losses, sometimes for years. I do not keep track of the anniversaries of loss in my life, I can’t think of a simpler way to keep from healing. And why, I wonder, should anyone care about the death years ago of one of my dogs, when they have their own to mourn?
I think social media can be enabling sometimes, prolonging people’s grief with reflexive sympathy and the sharing of their own losses. At some point – it is different for all of us – we just have to move on with our lives. If we can’t, we may need help.
My model of grieving came from the Quakers. I converted to Quakerism when I was a teenager. I had grown up in a Jewish family, and grieving for that faith, as for many ethic and religious groups, was a major and prolonged and ritualistic and very big deal, it went on for days, even weeks. We were encouraged to weep and grief openly and deeply, and to eat and drink and even wail.
I remember thinking that this was not how I wish people would remember me, not what I wanted my loved ones to endure. I have often told Maria that if I die first, my wish is for her to drink a bottle of wine and dance in the woods and think of every silly and ridiculous thing I have ever done.
That process did not work for me, it was the opposite of grieving and healing for me.
I took to the Quakers idea of death and loss right away: Family and friends gather to celebrate, not mourn, the end of a life.
We laughed, told stories, shared memories, cried if we needed to. But mostly, we expressed a gratitude and celebration for the people we knew. We left the memorial services smiling and I felt our healing was almost instantly underway. You either celebrate what you have, or grieve what it lost. That is the choice for me.
I learned more about this idea of grieving in my hospice therapy work, where I saw death close-up and regularly.
Death, i came to see, is sad, but not only sad. It can also be profound and beautiful, as much a part of life as a Spring flower.
When a dog like Gus dies, even with the special issues his death raised up for me, I take care to be grateful for the experience of knowing him, loving him, caring for him, even killing him.I laugh about him and his antics. I think about another dog.
I am sorry he is gone, but I will never be sad about Gus. We laughed at each other all the time, we each thought the other quite ridiculous.
I am grateful for the laughter he brought me, and grateful that I was able to take such good care of him, and love him patiently and well.
There are no victims in this story, not him, not me, not event he nasty people who sometimes message me. Every life is a full life, not matter how short. I don’t measure grief in human time, but in spiritual teaching.
Gus lived a full life. He was nothing but a gift to me. I am sorry he died, I am grateful he lived.
I grieve mostly through writing, that is where I understand what I am feeling, where I can let go.
Freud wrote that mourning is how we process and take in the loss of a person, an animal, an experience, and make it a part of ourselves, a way to remember, a way to hang on.
Healing begins when we can let go, move forward, turn to a person or friend or lover who is alive, undertake a new experience, get a new dog. My dogs are never quite gone, they live forever in my heard and soul.
It is a curious thing, but when you lose a dog or tell people with dogs that you have lost a dog, they almost invariably – and immediately – tell you the story of a dog they lost, a dog they mourn, a dog they miss. This always makes me somewhat uncomfortable, as it does not permit me to express my grief and loss, or to be heard. It seems narcissistic to me. It stops my own expression of feelings.
In the hardware store the other day, a woman came up to me and said she was sorry about Gus she read about it on Facebook, she was so sorry. I started to tell her about his disease, but she interrupted me and told me in the greatest detail how her Golden Retriever died of cancer several years ago, and she missed him every single day. I wanted to spray her with can of Windex to shut he up.
I wanted to say “but my dog died yesterday, and I don’t wish to hear about your dead dog who died three years ago now. What is wrong with you?”
But I didn’t. I just turned and walked out the door. She was still talking.
I try not to do that to others. Listening is perhaps the greatest gift one can give to a friend in grief.
My job is not to make it better, I can’t make it better. My job is not to take in the grief of others. It is theirs. My job is to help another person feel better by letting them tell their story and express their feelings. To make sure they feel seen and heard.
I don’t need to try to top their grief, it isn’t a contest. Grief is painful for all of us, and we will all feel it. No one has easy grief.
I do not believe that animals and humans are the same, I remember to keep perspective. In a world where children starve to death every day, my grief is not nearly the worst thing on the planet. There are far worse things than the death of a dog.
When people tell me they lost a dog, I listen, and say I am sorry. They don’t need to hear about my dog then, or perhaps ever. For me, grieving is ultimately personal. I am happy to share the process in the hope it might be helpful, but I know my own healing and recovery occurs out of sight, and ultimately in private. Grieving is one of those things I must do myself, no one can do it for me.
My friend Ann reminded me that mourning is hard work, and it can be destructive if not taken seriously. “…While writing a blog is certainly a form of expression, it’s not a benign environment with others that share your life, I so appreciate your openness and I see it as courageous but it ain’t easy.”
No, it is not easy, but then, nothing that is truly valuable in life is easy, not love, not work, not family, not learning how to grieve, something we would all do well to learn how to do.
Don’t grieve, cautioned Rumi, “anything you lose comes around in another form.”
So well said, Jon! And the sentence that struck me the most was “listening is perhaps the greatest gift one can gift to a friend in grief.” Too often, we react exactly the way that woman in the store did, by telling our own stories of grief. It might be meant as expressing solidarity, but it really is narcissistic to talk about our past grief to someone whose grief is recent. We need to shut up and listen, and I’m going to be more intentional about that.
That is one of my favorite quotes from Rumi. I wish you peace Jon…
Kahil Gibran quote:
When you are sorrowful, look again in your heart and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.
John, I was so saddened deeply about the loss of your Gus, I thought I would need to take a break from your blog. I have experienced much loss this year already, and the loss of Gus, well, I have been heart broken. A friend of mine said to me recently, to try and find the beauty in the losses I’ve experienced, (phew, not an easy thing to do for me right now.) Once again, your writing helps me to think deeper, to breath, and find more meaning in my daily living of love, death, and life.
Thank you.
I enjoy listening to you explore your thoughts and feelings. While this experience has been hard and I do sympathize, your method of dissecting feelings brings out profound truths and provokes thought. I appreciate that. One thing I hate on Facebook is the endless stream of sadness some feel compelled to tell total strangers – something died, something is sick, something was lost etc. I do make an effort to be patient and sympathetic as I know sometimes ,if we are alone without a support group, that is our only avenue to express those feelings and look for support. Others flounder around in their feelings, you grab them, give them a good shake, and shove them into the light of day. Very healing for everyone.