The good news is that I found my fantasy car, the bad news is that I can’t have it, it is not for sale. That might also be good news, as Maria has pointed out several times, emphatically.
I take my car to Rushinki Automotive in town for service and maintenance. That’s where I first saw this Scout, which isĀ used mostly to plow snow and has a nice flashing yellow light on the top, just like the big men in trucks have when they plow in storms.
This car has character and grit, I’d love to ride around in it. I’ve approached the garage owners several times asking about it, but I get nothing back but blank stares. They love the Scout, it is not for sale. I drive by it several times a day, I can just see myself in it. I think it is a work of art.
It’s a good thing it isn’t for sale, because I probably couldn’t afford it. And I surely don’t need it.
I can’t have the car, but I can fantasize about it. I love the tall cabin and square shape.
New cars might be efficient, but they tend to have little character or individuality. This one is quite distinctive and drips with character.
A man can dream.