It was an almost magical pleasure to grant Farmaz his only birthday wish, to have a camera (see below). It took a half dozen tries to get Farmaz to look at me, and I had to dance like a circus clown to tease even this small but very genuine smile out of him.
Still, when he did finally agree to look at my camera, it was a look of dignity and expectation. I hope to know him better in the coming weeks, and to help him if he wishes and if I can.
I was touched by his love for the camera, and his knowing and loving way of handling it. I can see some wisdom and pain in his face, and he has good reason to have both, he lost his father in Afghanistan and is working to settle in his new life. His mother is working hard in the only minimum wage jobs available to her.
I wish Farmaz the wind at his back and every good fortune. I am grateful that he and his mother and sister made it to America, and I hope he sees that we are a generous and welcoming people. I think you will be seeing and hearing a lot from him. In a week or so, Ali and I will be bringing his family some groceries and other necessities and I am eager to see the photographs he has taken with his new camera.
Thanks for your support of my refugee work and of the RISSE Amazon Refugee Wish List.
If you wish to support my work, you can send a donation to me at Post Office Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or via Paypal, [email protected]. Please mark your contribution “refugees.” And thanks.