Maria and I have somehow slipped into the role of Bingo Night callers, we went for the third time to the Mansion for the Friday night bingo games. There was a bit of cheating, and some complaining and confusion, one fight – and some suspected prize theft from the prize cart – but it was vastly more peaceful and smooth than some previous nights.
There was a lot of laughing too.
Things can get pretty raucous in the Bingo games at the Mansion, people who were sweet and docile an hour earlier turn into fearsome warriors at the Bingo Table. Last week one of the residents’ took my gift of a $10 gift certificate from a convenience store to a nearby liquor store and tried to cash it in for vodka.
I didn’t think she could do something like, but I will not underestimate her again.
I saw another resident had five squares marked but Maria had only called out one number. We moved the squares back and she didn’t try it again. Feelings run high at Bingo.
This week, I bought some small soft, stuffed animals, small and furry bunnies for, Easter. They were a big hit.
Alice, one of the oldest residents at the Mansion and one of the sweetest, surprised us by coming in. She had never played Bingo before. I gave her a quick lesson and stood beside her to help out.
Maria and I take turns calling out the numbers, one calls them and the other moves around to help people who have trouble seeing or hearing or moving the red covers on and off the numbers as the game progresses.
Tonight, Alice played her first Bingo game I stood right behind her to help spot the numbers she had on her board when they were called out. She won two games, and also a stuffed furry rabbit – a stuffed animal – and a 3-D book end.
We are figuring out how to control this unruly mob, and we’ll be back calling the Bingo numbers next week. I’ll think of some fun prizes.
Oddly, we would not wish to be anywhere else. We met some friends at a brewery after the Bingo games, we were wiped out.
If you wish to write to the Mansion residents, you can do so by sending your letters to The Mansion, 11 S.Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.
The names of the residents who would like to receive your letters are Winnie, Jean A., Ellen, Mary, Gerry, Sylvie, Alice G., Jean G., Madeline, Joan, Allan, William, John K, Helen, Bob, Alanna, Barbara, Peggie, Dorothy, Tim, Debbie, Art, Guerda, Brenda, Wayne, Kenneth, Ruth and John.