We decided we needed to get out of the farmhouse and take a drive today, it was sunny but cold, a beautiful day. Much talk of a fourth Nor-easter heading her mid-week. We believe it has to end somehow, perhaps Mother Earth has finally gotten sick of the greedy and ignorant people who run our world and she is washing her hands of us. I couldn’t blame her.
We went to Petco in Bennington to get some dog supplies and when we came in, there was a big sign announcing a 50 per cent off fish tank sale. With tax and all, a 20 gallon tank for $36 dollars. Maria lit up, and we bought it.
I got a 5 gallon tank as a birthday present for Maria, and she loved it much more than I thought she would. It is inspiring blog posts, potholders, quilts and many hours of interest. It calms her and interests her and stimulates her creatively. She is in particular mesmerized by Socrates our dancing snail.
It was too small, a poor choice on my part.
We lost one fish and two snails in that tank, which clouded up, so we replaced it with the 20 gallon tank above.
Today, we decided we needed some affirmations of life, and we bought the 20 gallon tank and are giving the 10 gallon tank to the RISSE after school program, and if they don’t want it, i know some of the refugee kids who would love it.
We set up the 20 gallon tank and the filter right behind the old one, and we’ll wait two weeks for the tank water to mature before we move the fish or snails into it. The new tank will have two goldfish, Frida and Diego, and two snails, Frida (after Frida Kahlo) and Emily, after Emily Dickinson.
They will all have plenty of room to swim in there, and we want to make sure there is enough algae and other food for the snails. We bought some natural plants, and black gravel for the bottom and the Led light has a cool blue setting that is eerily beautiful at night.
Maria loves the fish tanks, it was a good and lucky choice of birthday present. I like the 20 gallon tank, it has dignity and stature. And it was a great bargain. I think we’ve got the right tank in the right place for now, a good and powerful filter and a good light.
It is interesting watching Maria’s evolution, the artist is taking over – black gravel, classy natural plants (no plastic), and a thoughtful aesthetic for the placement of the plants. This one is really hers.
We also have aa window in the natural world, a calming thing to watch and study. More fish potholders to come.