The sun broke out this morning, and we decided to have a liberation weekend for Gus. No medications, no muzzle, he can eat what he wants, throw up when he wants, run around with Fate as much as he wants. He is tired but happy. I didn’t even stop him from helping himself to a chunk of donkey manure, go for it, Little Man.
The Bedlam Farm posses was up and running.
My class is coming shortly for our third class at the farmhouse, and this has really worked out. I’m thrilled to have all of these creative people in the farmhouse, one of the students is bringing her daughter, who loves to sit and drawn. Very neat to have a kid running around.
I’m going over to the Mansion briefly to bring a pipe to a female residents who loves to smoke pipes outside, I got her some nice tobacco to go with it.
This started when I saw her puffing away outside without any smoke, the pipe was charred and black and clogged. I tried to clean it but couldn’t. She has never spoken much and has some wild mood swings, but she did turn to me and ask for help in getting a new pipe.
I got her two new ones and some tobacco, and I was pleased she asked for help. She is often outside (smoking is forbidden inside the Mansion.) Maybe a movie tonight, friends coming over for breakfast. I like the idea of the liberation weekend.
Let Gus be Gus.
Yay, Gus!
Jon, I TRUST you and Maria because after all these years, I feel I know your heart. SO this is not advice, it’s a hug to both of you !
FREEDOM!!! Enjoy yourself, Mr. Gus ???!
happy day Gus.
touching photo of all three.