Its cold and there’s snow everywhere, but it still feels like Spring, the sun is stronger, is up longer and the warm weather is edging close. The donkeys were braying up a storm for a carrot, so I got them one. The donkeys how to get me to bend to their will.
We had another wonderful writing class at the farm today, an extraordinary group of talented and creative people. I’ve decided that I will not admit anyone new into the class, even if there are openings, we’ll just ride it out together until the end, whenever that is.
I proposed that each one of them thinks of a book idea and let’s try to get them all self-published or sold commercially. They seemed shocked but curious.
It’s take me decades to fin a glass as warm, gifted and creative as this one, we’ll just keep going into our sixth year.
Maria and I need to get out for a bit, we’re heading out to see the movie A Fantastic Woman. i suspect I might wish to write about it tonight.
How can I tell Fanny and Lulu apart??
Lulu has the white nose..