Peggy won the last round of Bingo Night at the Mansion, Maria and I took turns calling the game. One resident is angry with me because he considers Bingo to be gambling, but all we exchanged were laughs, smiles, hugs and an hour of escape and camaraderie, for all of us.
The Mansion residents seem to like it when Maria and I come on Friday nights to run the Bingo game for an hour, from 6 p.m. to 7. They were waiting for us, we were five minutes late. We were warned to be on time next week (we have agreed to come next week as well).
This was a challenging week for us, and we were delighted to be there, there were many of the usual dramas. One of the players can’t move the number covers on the board, another can’t see the numbers on the board, another has some psychological issues and storms out of the room periodically.
We have to call the numbers but also be able to help the players, so there is a fair amount of running around.
The Mansion continues to suffer from cabin fever from this long and cold and snowy winter. One of the residents came to the door of the cafeteria and glowered at us and stormed out. Another got into a shouting match with someone else at the table, and I puffed myself like a big bear and looked her in the eye and said “NO FIGHTING HERE” in a loud voice.
The fighter challenged me and said “what will you do about it?,” and I answered, “I’ll pack up the bingo game and leave, and you can tell your friends why there is no more game.”
“Where will I go?,” she asked. “Up to you, ” I said, “you have a room to go to if you wish.”
I added: “I am happy you are here and I hope you stay, but I will not be a part of any fighting. I am not her to fight or to watch people fight.”
She got up and left, and came back later to ask me if I could get her something she needed. I said sure.
It got back to normal. I think it was necessary for me to state that, and it is a good way to respond. I went out and bought what the asked for.
The residents had fun, when either of us didn’t call out numbers that matched their boards, they would shout out “you’re fired. New caller!” There was a lot of laughing. We had a good time.
Red goes from table to table greeting everyone and presenting himself for patting and scratching. He loves the Mansion.
Maria felt the same way I do, she was happy to go to the Bingo game, we enjoy it. Doing good is the best distraction, it takes you out of yourself. We were both laughing. I said I was very fortunate to marry someone who is delighted to come to an assisted care facility on Friday nights and run a Bingo game. We are both a bit crazy, I think. I married very well.
As we were leaving, I asked the residents if we could pump up the prizes a bit. One wanted a gift certificate to Battenkill Books, he is an avid reader, two others wanted stuffed animals, another urged me to surprise her. I have some ideas for next week. One of the women surprised me by asking for a pipe and some tobacco.
I’ll do that.
Peggy, above, was tickled, she won the last game. I know what she wants, she has a stack of stuffed animals on her bed, and sleeps next to them.
U so love Peggy’s face.
I so love her face. Can’t type worth spit.