When refugees come to America, they have no time or chance to bring their possessions. They are relocated into small apartments and need just about everything that families need, from food to clothes to laundry baskets, silverware, soap and bowls.
The RISSE Wish List is addressing some of those needs today.
Some of those items are on the RISSE Amazon Wish List this morning, they range from $17 laundry baskets, recycling baskets to a $500 storage trash system for The RISSE school. There are only three items on the list now, I’m tempted to go for the laundry basket.
This is a critical time for the RISSE Soccer team, we are hoping to go to a Powell House retreat in May, play in a two month State Indoor Tournament starting this weekend, and perhaps look for an inexpensive week-long camp in the summer. It might be because of the storms, but I am still in need of $500 to $600 for the Powell House retreat for the soccer kids.
In addition, the Girl’s Basketball Team is cranking up, Wicked Smart Apparel is donating the uniforms, we will be looking to buy sneakers and other necessary equipment and league fees. There are no parents to help with this funding, either we do it or they can’t play.
I can’t say to the penny, but I think we have between $1,100 and $1,300 out of the $2,100 we need. I’ve donated $500 of my own money, I paid a $600 deposit, the rest of the funds are not due for a month. It’s confusing for me, because the mail has been so disrupted. It will sort itself out.
In a sense, it’s like a chess game that never ends.
I’m assuming from my messages and e-mail that there is more money on the way, but the Post Office says mail has been delayed from everywhere to here. We are snowbound. I’ll have a better idea tomorrow. They don’t expect to catch up until Saturday, or even Monday, depending on the weather.
If you wish, you can donate to the Powell House Retreat by sending donations to me at Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or via Paypal, [email protected]. Please mark your contributions “Powell House” or “Refugee Fund,” thanks.
This is going to be a wonderful year, Army Of Good wise.
If I’m estimating wrong and there is an overage, I’ll apply it to the refugee fund and share the details, of course.
You can check out today’s Wish List here.