There is great joy and beauty in a true winter storm, I love to be out in one and take photos of one. There is the silence, the driving snow, the patience and timeless acceptance of the animals as they finally stop looking for hay scraps and take shelter in the pole barn, where they will spend a dry night, out of the snow and winds.
The Winter Pasture is coming to an end, the wheel turns and turns and we humans rarely stop to take pause of it, we have little choice up here, the winter forces us to stop, which is why I love it so much and would miss it so much if I were not here.
If Spring were here all the time, it would have little meaning for me, but Spring here is a precious celebration of life and connector to Mother Earth, our wounded sister.
I think we will get a foot of snow or more here, but like everyone I met today said, so what? It will be gone in a couple of weeks.