I was at the Mansion Tuesday for our weekly rehearsal of “Night Of Four Skits,” four short plays written for seniors by Bi-FOLKal Productions, with minor modifications by Susan Ostrowski and Dr. Peter Dixon of reading2connect, the publishers of the reading and memory books I’m reading at the Mansion.
We have about 6 weeks of regular rehearsals, and that, I think is a good thing. I guess i’m the Producer and Director. I was an executive producer once, but that was in television, and I did help direct a news documentary. But this is quite different.
We assembled the cast today for the rehearsal. Barb, Joan, Allan, Sylvie, and Peggie have all agreed to be in the show, Madeline also, she was resting from a cold. We have some practicing and polishing up to do, but we had a spirited rehearsal. I took a video with Barb and Allan performing, they did a great job playing a jaded married couple. The skits are short and funny, the actors and residents love hearing them.
Joan can’t see the script so me or a member of the Mansion staff will whisper the words into her ear, and she’ll shout them out on our “stage.” She’s excited to be in one of the skits.
Theres one about going to the doctor and getting ready for winter as well.
We’ll rehearse again next Tuesday. The performance will be held in the Mansion Great room at 6 p.m. on a Wednesday in May (still figuring out the exact date.). Families and residents will be invited, people from town can come also.
I’ve got to figure out some special lighting, the Mansion will offer some refreshments. This is great fun, hard work for them, but the rehearsals are paying off. Each actor will have a script to read on stage, and I will be right alongside to help if there is trouble.
Friday, another milestone. I volunteered to run the Friday night Bingo Game. It will be my first bingo game. Maria and a friend are coming also (whew.) Everyone seems excited.
Take a look at the video below.